I was invited to try it out. I did. Now I am hooked.
Operation Vet Fit, is successfully implementing exercise prescription in combination with psychotherapy in the fight to stop veteran suicide.
This pandemic is not an opportunity to separate the strong from the weak or the sick, lame and lazy from the overachievers. But it is an opportunity to look at how our lifestyle decisions impact not only our personal health, but the global economy and the entire human population as well. This is a collective human calling. A moment of nearly entire planetary awareness. An epiphany whereby we realize how our daily personal decisions impact the survival of the self and the entire human species. We were warned. Some of us have headed the warnings, others have chosen not to, and some are unfortunate victims of complex circumstances and unfortunate genetic predispositions.
27.7 veteran suicides per day and an overall national rate of 124.4 a day, according to the recently published 2019 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report from the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.