The Scholarship is awarded to a college bound senior that is a sibling, child or grandchild of a United States Armed Forces Member that served in a combat theatre.
The applicant must participate in an institution sponsored extra-curricular activity, been involved in a community service program, and must demonstrate his/her knowledge and understanding of the services performed,military operations participated in, and demonstrate an understanding of the military awards and decorations earned by by the veteran family member.
Application Process
Applicant must submit a copy of acceptance to a post-secondary educational institution
Along with a written essay between to 200-700 words detailing the combat veterans service and awards. Military branch, rank, dates of service and any other special details of his or her service.
A copy of the combat veterans “Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty” a.k.a. “DD214”.
A description of proposed course of study, degree and future career plans. An "undecided" answer is acceptable as long as current areas of potential interest are well explained.
Why the candidate believes he/she is worthy of this scholarship.
Description of applicants community service and extra-curricular experience.
Submit completed application packet via email to Dan@operationvetfit.org for consideration. Application period is open and revolving annually.
Reflection of Vietnam
July 8th, 2013
In Vietnam units were filled up on a rotational basis. The main units were there and as you were sent in country we were processed into different units. The Marines you trained with were scattered to all different units depending on the casualty rateof each unit. The Marines had a 13 month tour the Army 12 months. Today units are trained together do their tours together and come home together. I was assigned to Bravo Co. 1st battalion 26th Marine Regiment. These Marines had just walked out of Khe-Sahn Combat Base. At Khe-Sahn 4,000 Marines were surrounded by 20,000 NVA and Viet Cong units and the siege began for 77 days. Over 400 Marines were killed in action and untold wounded. The famous hill fights also took place at this time to drive the enemy artillery off the hills. More tonnage of bombs were dropped in and around Khe-Sahn than in the whole Pacific Theater in WW2 including the two atomic bombs.
This was the unit I was assigned to. Battle hardened Marines tough as nails and they didn’t like FNG’s(F______ new guys). They were weary of you until you could prove yourself. In one way this was a good thing. They were an experienced group and taught you the ropes pretty quick. I was assigned to a 60 mm mortar team at first as a ammo bearer again the rotational system and when someone rotated home or was Kia or Wia you would move to assistant gunner or gunner. If you were stationary on a hill we would dig a mortar pit put out aiming stakes. Pretty much a 24 hour a day job as as nighttime belonged to the enemy .If we weren’t stationary we had to hump everything whenever there was movement from squad size ,platoon size ,company size. We were good at what we did firing all kinds of rounds from smoke to HEAT(high explosive) to Willy Peter(white phosphous) to illumination. I was wounded Dec.18 1968 and was medivaced to 1st Med Battalion Da Nang ,then Cam Rahn Bay then to a U.S Naval Hospital in Guam.
- John Hogan