First Name
Last Name
Branch of Service
Air Force
Coast Gaurd
What unit that you served with are you completing this survey for? Example: "24 MEU, BLT 3/6, Lima Company"
Leadership Environment
How would you describe the leadership style being covered in this survey?
Good to go
Locations and Area of Operation
While serving under the leadership you are completing this survey for, where were you? Example: Mogadishu Somalia in support of Operation Restore/Continue Hope
Chain of Command
What was your immediate chain of command that you are completing this survey information on (Example: Sgt smith, Plt SGT, 1stLt White, Plt Commander, LtCol. Young, BN Co, 1stSgt Jones, CO 1st Sgt, Sgt Maj. James, BN Sgt Maj., Cpl Carter, section NCO etc)
Pacific Islander
Native American
Discharge Status
Still on Active Duty
Other than Honorable
Please list the names and dates of all those who have committed suicide that served under the unit and leadership being covered in this survey. Please provide as much detail on their suicide circumstance as possible. Please include any domestic, economic, marital, court marshal, NJP information that you may have. (Example: Cpl Smith killed himself on March 1, 2012 by way of firearm, he was having some marital problems and got discharged dishonorably following a special court marshall for marijuana usage. He served with me in Iraq and was treated like shit by his plt sgt listed above. He witnessed a lot of his brothers die in combat and seemed to withdraw following deployment. He started drinking, showing up drunk to formations, and believed his wife was having an affair).
Thoughts on the suicides
Please detail any other observations you may have noticed by the leadership during the period covered in this survey. Example: (Sgt Jones was abusive. He would leave us out on patrol without proper food, water or supplies. During one incident, Sgt. Jones pointed his rifle at us and made us dig holes for no reason at all. He would regularly intimidate our NON-NCO with physical abuse, and threatened to kill us if we told the CO.)
Leadership Observations
Tell us about the overall leadership being covered in this survey. Example: (Col Jones was a prick, Our Staff NCO's had no respect for him and this resulted in a toxic combat environment where our NCO's and Non-NCO's were concerned about mission readiness, placing all of us, including the mission in danger. We were routinely required to run senseless patrols in hot areas due to poor mission preparation leading to multiple casualties. Meanwhile, the BN CO, LtCol Jackson was screwing the female Marines and threatening them if they told. It was a total shit show and we lost a lot of our troops because of it).
Thank you! We’ll keep in touch as the data collection and processing begins. Contact me any time if you have questions or wish to add more detail to your input. Semper Fidelis.
Daniel R. Gaita, MA, LMSW